C & C began cooking and exploring new food together in the fall of 2012. Many dishes later, many restaurants later, and we have decided to share our experiences with others. We both enjoy trying new and different types of food. We have been to French, Israeli, Indonesian, Filipino, you name it restaurants and we have attempted to emulate some of these cuisines in our own dishes. We both also enjoy spicy food so sometimes the recipes we may feature might need to be adjusted for those that do not, but don't worry we'll make note of that as we post.
We are based in the Philadelphia area and are lucky that our city has a growing, vibrant restaurant scene. However, we do get jealous of our neighboring cities of NYC and DC for their ethnic food options. You can bet we will document some of our culinary experiences in these cities as we go along.
Perhaps due to our degrees or the people we are, when we try new food we try to decipher and analyze it. Not just for taste or for ingredients, but for how it all fits together. For instance, why does so much of South East Asia use sweetened condensed milk in their dishes and coffees? Most likely it is due to its long shelve life but it could also be due to French influence and the introduction of the product in the area. In any case, expect some background or history with our posts.
Finally, cooking is not our only hobby. As the rest of the world has started to binge watch TV and movies, so have we. Between the two of us there is little we have not watched and we have opinions on all of it, even if they differ. Sopranos vs Breaking Bad but The Wire trumps all. (Hopefully some of you understand that argument)